Hormone therapy Montpelier, VT - Renewed Balance Clinic

Introduction to Hormone Therapy

What is Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy involves supplementing hormones that are lacking or imbalanced in the body. It can provide relief from unpleasant symptoms and improve quality of life.

Our services

Why Consider Hormone Therapy

Hormone levels decline with age, leading to deficiency symptoms. Hormone therapy can:

How Hormone Therapy Works

Hormone therapy restores optimal hormone levels, leading to widespread benefits. It can be done through:

Treatment is customized based on lab testing and tailored to the individual.

Hormone Therapy Specialists

Renewed Balance Clinic

The Renewed Balance Clinic clinic specializes in customized bioidentical hormone therapy. Our experienced clinicians provide:

We offer cutting-edge therapies to help clients live their best lives.

Our Team of Endocrinology Specialists

Our clinic is home to top endocrinologists and hormone therapy experts. We stay current on the latest advancements in the field.

Few clinics can match our experience optimizing hormone levels through TRT and other therapies.

Get tested, seek treatment, take control now!

Procedures and Protocols

Beginning TRT Therapy

Starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) involves:

Bold Lab testing: Bloodwork helps identify clinical androgen deficiency Bold Consultation: We assess symptoms and goals to shape the treatment plan Bold Informed consent: We discuss risks, benefits, expectations for TRT Bold First treatment: Self-administered dose based on weight, age, needs

Follow-ups monitor progress. We adjust dosages to maximize benefits.

Importance of Prompt Diagnosis and Treatment

Left untreated, hormone deficiencies can worsen over time. Prompt therapy can:

Bold Reverse deficiencies before permanent impacts occur Bold Prevent progression of age-related diseases Bold Enhance quality of life sooner rather than later

We empower clients to get tested, seek treatment, and take control of their wellbeing.

Lifestyle Recommendations

Supporting Hormone Therapy Success

We provide holistic support to help hormone therapy work its best, including:

Bold Nutrition guidance: Support hormone balance through diet Bold Fitness advice: Exercise boosts hormones and offsets aging Bold Stress management: Cortisol control maximizes treatment effects

Improving lifestyle habits amplifies the benefits of therapy.

Mental Health Support

Hormone imbalances can negatively impact mental health. We help clients:

Bold Identify mood issues related to hormone dysregulation Bold Connect with therapists to address emotional health Bold Use holistic self-care to lift mood during treatment

A multi-pronged approach best supports wellness of mind and body.

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy can help transgender individuals align their physical characteristics with their gender identity. Studies show that when given access to gender-affirming care like hormone therapy, transgender people experience reductions in anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal tendencies.

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